Let’s be honest, health is on everyone’s mind right now
From general physical wellbeing to mental health and relaxation, living your best life as safely as possible is a top priority right now. Aside from the well-known protocols of social distancing, and washing your hands, there’s a very easy way to boost your health – with medicine from the inside out. Of course, we’re referring to your diet! We’ve developed a product that not only tastes incredible, but has some serious health benefits to boot.
Introducing, the Micro Superfood Mix! This luscious blend of four microgreens is intense, powerful, and very very healthy! The mix includes Micro Broccoli, Micro Pac Choi, Micro Arugula, and Micro Daikon Purple. Beautiful shades of green, purple, and red with exceptional nutritional value. Each of the included microgreens is stunningly beautiful, shockingly flavorful, and powerfully healthy! Let’s take a closer look…
Micro Broccoli is up first! It contains 100 times more sulforaphane than regular broccoli. Sulforaphane is a sulfur-rich compound found in vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and bok choy. These compounds have been shown to have anticancer effects and may support heart health. Additional benefits could include treating certain symptoms of Autism, sun damage, brain damage, and improvement of constipation symptoms.
Next is Micro Pac Choi! Packed to the brim with carotenoids, vitamin C, E, and K; this is superfood nutrition bomb! Carotenoids are beneficial antioxidants that can protect you from disease and enhance your immune system. They may improve your vision, act as a defense against UV radiation, and could even reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. What a line up! Vitamin C protects your immune system. Vitamin E has antioxidant properties. And Vitamin K is an important factor in bone health and blood clotting. More Pac Choi please!
Rounding out number three in the mix is Micro Arugula. Arugula is spicy, bold, and delicious! It’s also chock full of Glucosinolates, Nitrates, and Polyphenols. Glucosinolates are sulfur containing compounds that give the arugula its spicy punch. They harness an antibiotic like effect, and help ward off bacterial, viral, and fungal infection in the intestines and other parts of the body. Nitrates may lower blood pressure and reduce the amount of oxygen needed during exercise. Polyphenols are packed with antioxidants and potential health benefits. It’s thought that polyphenols can improve or help treat digestion issues, weight management difficulties, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, and cardiovascular diseases.

It’s easy to see why the Micro Superfood Mix is worth its weight in gold! Certainly delicious – and most importantly NUTRICIOUS! In today’s world, it’s so important that our food not only tastes great but benefits our health too. This powerful mix of greens does just that! It’s time to don that cape – and become a superfood super hero!